Love Marriage Specialist Astrologer - Most Trusted & Secure

Astrology can predict the future. That's true! But can it also give accurate predictions about marriages? The answer is 'yes'. Astrology provides an overview of all the phases of life, including information about life partners. It also tells about the nature of a life partner, their characteristics and whether the predicted life partner is lucky or not.  It is also a valuable tool in predicting the possibility of second marriage. But how? The love marriage specialist astrologer mentions that astrologers base their calculations on the position and movement of planets. 

But how do astrologers predict marriage? The 7th house in the birth chart predicts marriage. Further, there are also auspicious and inauspicious planets that cause early marriage or are responsible for delay in marriage. For instance -

* If Mercury and Venus are in the 7th house, then the likely age of marriage is between 18 and 23. 

*On the other hand, if Jupiter occupies the 7th house, then the probable age of marriage is 24 and 26 years.

*The Sun in the 7th house means marriage is delayed and is faced with obstacles.

*Mars is the 7th house, indicating the presence of Maglik Dosha, which is the reason for the delay in marriage.

*If Saturn occupies the 7th house, then there is a chance that the natives will marry after 35 years of age.
However, if no planets are in the 7th house, then the chances of marrying early or late depend upon the position of other planets in the native's birth chart. 

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  • Manglik dosha
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Husband Wife Relationship Solution To Improve Your Relationship

Marriage astrology covers all the dimensions of married life, be it a problem between husband and wife. So, if you are worried about -'how can I improve my husband's wife's relationship?' then astrology has a solution for it. 

The inter-caste love marriage specialist believes that with the help of specific simple and easy remedies, couples may mend their relationship. Remedies such as:

*Wearing white colour clothes

*Balancing Mars with specific puja and also appeasing the Moon.

The love marriage specialist Baba Jialso suggests specific remedies, like - 

*Placing 12 Gomti chakras in a box of red vermillion

*Daily cleaning floor with salt water 

*Offering sweets to deities and also giving them to needy people on a regular basis

प्रेमी से अनबन? प्रेमी को ले कर घरवालों से मन मुटाव? प्रेम विवाह में अडचनें? क्या मेरी तरह आप भी प्रेम सम्बंधित समस्याओं का समाधान चाहते हैं? देर किस बात की है... Phone uthyie or Abhi कॉल/ क्लिक कीजिये sunny astrologer ji

Astrology Solution for Love Marriage - Solutions by Love Marriage Specialist Baba Ji

Astrology further predicts the time and kind of marriage. The position of Jupiter helps an astrologer to predict the year of marriage. The next crucial question about marriage is: which planet gives love marriage? 

In astrology, Venus is the planet of love and romance. It also helps to determine one's approach to love and compatibility with a probable partner. In addition, the positions of planets such as the Moon, Mars, and Mercury also help to determine chemistry and emotional and communication compatibility between probable partners.

In addition to this, the planetary transits and Dasha are also crucial to know about love marriages. But what if you want to marry a person of your choice but parents, caste or financial status pose problems in it? In these cases, the inter-caste love marriage specialistsuggests seeking astrological solutions. One such solution is offering mixed grains to cows for 7 Sundays. For more remedies, you may always refer to love marriage ke Upay.  


3 Decades Of Exp in Astrology Accurate Prediction & Solution. Quick Solution on Call. 100% Safe & Secure. Kundli Dosh. Love Problem Solution. Professional Astrology Service. Marriage Solution.

Love Marriage Solution  Expert - The Ultimate Expert Advice

Now, after knowing the answers to questions like How can I solve my love marriage problem? And Can love astrology solve my love problems? Let us move our conversation towards the love marriage expert.  The first and foremost question that arises in our mind is, who is the best love marriage expert, Pandit? 

The above choice depends upon your faith. But by and large, Astrologer Sunny Sharma is the favourite choice among the people. 

In a nutshell, astrology helps to understand the dynamics of marriage. It further enables people to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of their partner.  With the help of a love marriage specialist astrologer, you can get insights into marriage and also develop the necessary qualities that help to create a lasting relationship.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to contact love marriage astrologer?
    You may contact us through various means. Kindly go to 'contact us' link and use any of the means given.
  • I miss the love of my life. Is there any way to get him/her back?
    Yes. There are certain sacred hymns and remedies that can make it possible. The effect is permanent and it has no side effects.
  • Do I need an appointment to talk to love marriage specialist astrologer?
    Although we give consultation to walk in clients also, but that depends upon availability of time. We recommend taking an appoint in advance for your convenience.
  • My marriage lacks the spark after few years of togetherness and it's not going the way as planned. Please advice.
    This is not uncommon and it certainly can be remedied. By consulting a good love marriage astrologer, you can get the spark back in your married life. Practical and easy to do remedies will bring the love back in your life.
  • I don't want to marry to the person my parents have chosen for me. What to do for it?
    Many a times we think in the present and not for the future. Consulting a love marriage astrologer will clear your doubts and give you strength to take a considered decision for a better future.
  • Is Positive Vashikaran as love problem solution an effective remedy?
    Positive Vashikaran is done through sacred hymns that have a lasting effects. The solution provided is very effective and permanent in nature. Since the process is done through positive energy, it has no side or bad effects.
Words Of Appreciations Endorsing Our Quality Astrology
Shruti Bajaj
Jaipur, India
There are no words to describe Astrologer Sunny Ji. I have called him so many times and without any hesitation he answers all my questions so patiently as the first time. He is great. Thanks Sir.
Delhi, India

A soft spoken astrologer who answers all questions with accurate prediction. We could contact them several times for suggestions in our life. A person who gives light to entire world. I request to contact him with confidence.

Shweta Dhaliwal
Chandigarh, India

Very genuine human being which you hardly see in today's world. Simple yet authentic. Will guide you in a very positive way where you remove all your fears and move ahead in life. I wish the universe creates more genuine persons who are truly a blessing in today's world. Highly recommended

Amita Batra
Los Angeles, (USA)

I am in touch with Mr. Sunny Sharma for the last 1.5 years. My experience has always been very good even I have recommended his name to my friends and colleagues as well. All are satisfied. He is a very humble and down-to-earth person and not an arrogant person.

kirti prathap
Banglore, India

We took his consultation through this website and his prescribed suggestions last year and we got excellent result like career of my daughter and my professional problems in work place and expecting more issued to be solved within few months and we are so impressed. Thanks a lot.

Abhijit kumar
Delhi, India

I had health issues was facing lot of problems in family and professional even my financial condition was very bad then I was searching in google got the best astrologer in india who was in majestic he gave good results. thank you.

Gargi Kamble
Mumbai, India

Very genuine human being which you hardly see in today's world. Simple yet authentic . Will guide you in a very positive way where you remove all your fears and move ahead in life. I wish universe creates more such genuine persons who are truly a blessing in today's world. Highly recommended .


Jersey, United Kingdom

Had a Vedic astrology reading not really sure what to expect. The reading was amazing, so accurate and fascinating. Highly recommend

Pratik Mehta

Surat, India

I was very impressed by his reading, it was so accurate and spot on! From my birth chart, he guessed almost all the highlight events have happened in my life right. He taught me a mantra to chant and yantra to wear for my planet and karma, his advice for future life is clear and helpful


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