Ruling Planet: Venus
Represented by:Balance Scales
Characteristics: Unified, Sociable, Equitable, Focused and Balanced mindset
Libras are gentle and calm personalities who always prefer to have people around them. They look forward for the consistency of equal rights and fair play. They like to be involved in unbeatable group discussions where others have good portion to express. Inspiring books make them motivated and perform in an excellent way.
As Venus is its ruling planet, these folks are lovable and excellent partners. They prefer not to be the part of any injustice imposed on anyone. Such people try to avoid any kind of fights or argumentative discussions wherever possible and try to resolve the matter as much as they can. Libras are generally found cautious while sharing or expressing anything to the other persons. Libras are attracted towards balanced and organized relationships.
Behaviour: Libras are gracious, most impartial and socially involved characters. People born under this zodiac sign require somebody’s company and completely dislike being lonely. Their pleasing and honest identity allures everyone around them. They focus on smooth and symmetrical bonding once they get involved in relationship. Their flipside is that they expect too much from their near and dear ones which ends up to a friction.
Libras prefer art work and sightseeing by exploring several destinations. Its representatives hate loud people and always choose to stay away from any kind of conflict and arguments. These people prefer to be tender and share their secrets with their closed ones. They are generally in search of a perfect life partner. This comes top of their priority list as the influential sign is Libra. They are also fond of lavish items and materialistic surprises to receive and give others as gift. Such people love to enjoy music by heart.
Whom Libra should avoid:Sagittarius and Libra zodiacs should be avoided by Libras to get away from any misunderstanding and unwanted allegations at times.
Best compatible sign: Gemini and Aries are truly compatible with Libras as they connect with these signs easily and also get allured towards their physical appearance. Leo also proves to be a great match for Libras.
Lucky Gemstones for Libra Women: Tourmaline, which is also called the stone of muse, is the perfect gemstone for Libra women as it brings actual happiness in their lives. This miraculous stone also helps in refreshing and enhancing the creativity of Libra women. It also benefits in making them more victorious and ability to achieve great things.
Lucky gemstones for Libra Men: The luckiest stone for Libra men is hough opal as it brings prosperity and fortune for them. Tourmaline, sapphire, peridot and agate are also influential for Libras and benefit them in their professional front too.
Lucky Colors:White and green colours are proved to be the luckiest ones for Libras. Pink and sky blue are also beneficial for them.
Lucky Number: Number 6 is the most effective for Libras or the sum of 6 like 15, 24, 60, 51 or 33. 13 and 4 also bring luck to the representatives of this sign.